SpecializedRx Products, LLC

SpecializedRx Products, LLC

About Us

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SpecializedRx Products, LLC is an FDA registered pharmaceutical excipient manufacturer and repackager providing innovative products for the pharmacy, pharmaceutical, medical device, and related industries. Since 2013, SpecializedRx has been innovating pharmacy compounding products to help meet the needs of the changing pharmacy practice worldwide. Our mission is to meet the business needs of our customers for specialized, innovative, high quality, cost effective products that help to change lives by improving healthcare.


SpecializedRx Products is a Pharmacy500 company, a designation awarded to 500 pharmacy supply chain businesses and associations that significantly impacted dispensing pharmacies in the U.S. over the past year. See the latest SpecializedRx Products BUZZ news at a3GGDywL6ElobA0Iqv9XsbkkaNTKuzrOgHD0K5xf.png