RD Plastics Company, Inc.

RD Plastics Company, Inc.

About Us

RD Plastics Company Jobs and Career Opportunities

RD Plastics Company, Inc. was started in 1975 for the purpose of supplying distributors with their plastic packaging needs. RD Plastics manufactures and imports a wide range of high quality, competitively priced plastic packaging products. We recognize the commitment to supplier diversity that is embraced by corporations and government agencies today and we can add diversity to your supply chain.


RD Plastics Company is a Pharmacy500 company, a designation awarded to 500 pharmacy supply chain businesses and associations that significantly impacted dispensing pharmacies in the U.S. over the past year. See the latest RD Plastics Company BUZZ news at a3GGDywL6ElobA0Iqv9XsbkkaNTKuzrOgHD0K5xf.png