International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding / IJPC

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding / IJPC

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The International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding (IJPC) is a bi-monthly scientific & professional journal emphasizing quality pharmaceutical compounding. Each issue includes peer-reviewed scientific articles, articles on pertinent topics, informational and professional articles, calculations, and other departments relevant to the practice of compounding. Articles and manuscripts are reviewed by pharmacy practitioners, academicians and scientists, as well as by others with expertise in various specialties.


IJPC is a Pharmacy500 company, a designation awarded to 500 pharmacy supply chain businesses and associations that significantly impacted dispensing pharmacies in the U.S. over the past year. See the latest IJPC BUZZ news at a3GGDywL6ElobA0Iqv9XsbkkaNTKuzrOgHD0K5xf.png